[Paraview] Gzipped image file load

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Wed Jun 2 19:40:07 EDT 2010


I'm afraid that when I recently implemented that NRRD reader, I only implemented a subset that read raw image files.  I did not use the NRRD library because it does not support parallel file reads, which is something that I need to do.  Rather, the current implementation simply reads NNRD header files and passes that information to the raw image reader code.

To implement an NRRD reader that reads the gzipped image files, the easiest path would be to implement a new reader that used the NRRD library.  This reader would necessarily be nonparallel, and therefore restrictive in other ways.


On 6/1/10 3:29 PM, "Joohwi Lee" <joohwi at email.unc.edu> wrote:


I tried to load gzipped NRRD file in Paraview, but it can't recognize the image saying that

ERROR: In /home/kitware/Dashboard/MyTests/ParaView-3-8/ParaView-3.8/ParaView/VTK/Parallel/vtkPNrrdReader.cxx, line 365 vtkPNrrdReader (0x1d65a900): Unsupported encoding: gzip ERROR: In /home/kitware/Dashboard/MyTests/ParaView-3-8/ParaView-3.8/ParaView/VTK/Filtering/vtkExecutive.cxx, line 756 vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x1d66b110): Algorithm vtkPNrrdReader(0x1d65a900) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0x1d675050)   Debug: Off   Modified Time: 71816   Reference Count: 1   Registered Events: (none)   Request: REQUEST_INFORMATION   ALGORITHM_AFTER_FORWARD: 1   FORWARD_DIRECTION: 0

Is there a way to load 'gzipped' image files? I need it to save my local storage.
Thanks in advance,


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