[Paraview] Reading several Tecplot files at a time

Richard GRENON richard.grenon at onera.fr
Fri Jul 16 07:12:29 EDT 2010

Hello, all.

I have a multi-block geometry described by many Tecplot files, one 
Tecplot file for each block (myfile001.tp, myfile002.tp...). Of course, 
I can copy the mono-block files into one Tecplot multi-block file before 
running Paraview, but the data may be huge (more than 300 file for 2 Gb) 
and I need enough disk space for the copy. So I would like to load all 
these mono-block files in Paraview with one interaction and get the the 
full geometry into one Multi-Block dataset.

Using the GUI to open the files, if I select in the browser the generic 
name "myfiles...tp" in the line beginning with the + sign, only the 
first file 'myfile001.tp' is loaded, and if I select the + sign to see 
all files, I can select only one file at a time.

I tried also the embedded Python shell. The "TecplotReader" is available 
and expects several files because it must be used with the "FileNames" 
keyword ending with an "s". Loading one file works:

 >>> reader = TecplotReader(FileNames='myfile001.tp')
 >>> Show(reader)
 >>> Render()

Trying with two file names fails:
 >>> reader = TecplotReader(FileNames='myfile001.tp','myfile002.tp')

File "<console>", line 1

SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg (<console>, line 1)

Finally, trying a generic name gives no error:
 >>> reader = TecplotReader(FileNames='myfile*.tp')
 >>> Show(reader)
 >>> Render()

But there is nothing in the 3D window, and the object inspector shows NA 
for number of cells, points...

I browsed the PV 3.8.0 sources but I could not find anything related to 
"TecplotReader" in the available py files. I can find only the c++ file 
for this reader, but this does not help me. Does anyone know what is the 
Python TecplotReader syntax to load multiple files?

Best regards.

 Richard GRENON
 Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
 8 rue des Vertugadins
 phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
 fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
 mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr

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