[Paraview] Commands for Source Plugin

owen.arnold at stfc.ac.uk owen.arnold at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Jul 8 05:28:10 EDT 2010

As part of a source plugin I am developing, I would like to provide gui
input parameters. Many of the sources in paraview already provide this,
such as the Sphere source, which allows properties like radius to be
adjusted manually.


I have included the IntegerVectorProperty xml fragment (see below),
which I believe should enable such an option and have provided a
corresponding public listener method (also below) on my
vtkRebinningSource, which is derived from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm. When I
select the plugin from the sources menu in paraview, I get the error


e.cxx, line 1066


: Object type: vtkRebinningSource, could not find requested method:
"SetNumberOfXBins" or the method was called with incorrect arguments.


while processing

Message 0 = Invoke



Presumably, I have not registered the event listening method correctly.
While this is simple to do in raw vtk, I haven't found any description
of how to do this in the paraview documentation. Can anyone provide me
with guidance of how I might do this for my source plugin?


Thanks in advance,





  <!-- Begin RebinningSource -->

  <ProxyGroup name="sources">

    <SourceProxy name="RebinningSource" class="vtkRebinningSource">

                <IntegerVectorProperty name="NumberOfXBins"
command="SetNumberOfXBins" number_of_elements="10" default_values="1">




  <!-- End RebinningSource -->




virtual void SetNuberOfXBins(vtkObject * caller, unsigned long eventId,
void* callData);


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