[Paraview] Stereo Display 3.6.2

Christian Wohlschlager Christian.Wohlschlager at jku.at
Mon Jan 25 02:27:17 EST 2010

** Reply Requested When Convenient **

  Dear Everybody !

    I read the mail on FAQ from 22.May 2009 stating that tiled display and stereo does not work, but if i draw i simple cube or line it it definatly working, if i read in a vtk or pvd  file i cant this object displayed 3 or more times on each display . (I'm working with Crystall eyes and make the modifacation in rendering.xml with version 3.6.2 (with .1) it didnt work at all. It seems to me that there a an additional Parameter in the .xml file I didn't set. Can anybody help me. It only  occurs when i switch on stereo, if not  erverything is OK
    Infomation:. I use Paraview 3.6.2  (.1 wont work at all ) on linux 64
-- Johannes Kepler Universitaet
-- Christian Wohlschlager
-- Altenbergerstr.69
-- 4040 Linz Austria
-- Tel: +43 732 2468 8595
- Mail:christian.wohlschlager at jku.at
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