[Paraview] EXPERIMENTAL_USER, etc, flags

Randy Heiland heiland at indiana.edu
Wed Feb 24 22:07:52 EST 2010

Mostly curiosity (killed the cat, I know), but I thought it might perhaps be related to "branding" - something I'm interested in.  The COPROC flag just caught my eye too and took me back several years to a related activity at NCSA.  I'd be curious to learn more about the latter then.  In particular, is it self-contained in PV or does it require a 3rd party lib?

thanks, Randy

On Feb 24, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Berk Geveci wrote:

> Hi Randy,
> Is there any particular thing you are looking for? I don't know what the experimental user thingy is but I can tell you about co-processing.
> -berk
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Randy Heiland <heiland at indiana.edu> wrote:
> Where might one learn more about functionality assoc'd w/ various flags present in the CVS cmake - e.g. PARAVIEW_EXPERIMENTAL_USER and PARAVIEW_ENABLE_COPROCESSING for starters?
> thanks, Randy
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