[Paraview] Custom Filters NOT showing up in Filters List (CVS HEAD)

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Tue Feb 23 14:39:32 EST 2010

Well I corrected the typo but then ran the "wrong" paraview in order  
to test. I ran the standard 3.6.2 branch instead of the CVS branch.  
The problem still persists with the CVS branch.
Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net

On Feb 23, 2010, at 11:16 AM, pat marion wrote:

> Is that supposed to be 'menu_label' ?
> Pat
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Michael Jackson <mike.jackson at bluequartz.net 
> > wrote:
> I have some custom filters that I have developed. I use the  
> "PARAVIEW_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_MODULES" to compile them directly into  
> ParaView. I know they are getting compiled as I can see the compile  
> command go by on the command line. The problem is that they do not  
> show up when I run ParaView in the filter list. Here is an example  
> XML File:
> <ParaViewFilters>
>  <Category
>    name="Microstructure"
>    menu_lable="&amp;Microstructure">
>    <Filter
>      name="IPFFilter"/>
>  </Category>
>  <Filter
>    name="IPFFilter"/>
> </ParaViewFilters>
> Which is added like so in my CMake files:
> # -- Add the Client side xml
> set(IPFFilterClient_XML ${PVMXADataModel_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/Client/ 
> IPFFilter/Resources/IPFFilter_GUI.xml)
> This works just fine with ParaView 3.6.2. This was a completely  
> clean build.
> Suggestions? Thanks.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
> Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio
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