[Paraview] vtkHyperOctree

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed Feb 17 10:40:06 EST 2010

Hi Jean,


astro-physics code. First question: Can we set a threshold to switch the
> GeometryFilter to a bounding box mode when loading an hyperoctree? By
> default the surface-mode is always ON and for an octree beyond 8 levels
> of refinement, things are getting heavy.

Yes. If you send me a patch, I'll commit it right away.

> Second question: I don't see what method should be used for
> parallelizing the construction of the octree. Could one use  tags such a
> mixture of UPDATE_RESOLUTION and UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER  to divide up the
> load? Are filters downstream ready to propagate the meta-data requests
> for octrees? The example of the HyperOctree Fractal does a depth-first
> construction. I suppose breadth-first is also possible since the
> HyperOctreeCursor enables navigation in both direction. Simulation codes
> actually use space-filling curves (e.g. Hilbert curves or others) and in
> terms of reading back the data, this could one efficient way to access
> data from disk, where each server follows a segment of the Hilbert
> curve.  I just don't know if anyone has ever done parallel octree builds
> in ParaView and if this is feasible?

I forwarded this to Charles and Brad who originally developed the octree

Can we chat sometime in the near future about this?

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