[Paraview] low level C++ example how to communicate with pvserver

Thomas Kipling kipling_t at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 14 09:52:54 EST 2010


Is it possible to use Paraview as kind of a visualization library? Without Qt 
GUI and without python interpreter?

I am looking for a C++ code example which demonstrates how to
* connect to an (already running) pvserver instance
* add a sphere source (or any other source)
* render the sphere
* grab the rendered image as byte array

My biggest problem is how to initialize the application and how to connect to a 
pvserver on port 11111. The applications in ParaView/Examples/CustomApplications 

all implement a Qt GUI. The batch processing application pvbatch.cxx executes a 
python script from a file, but it doesn't show how I can work with ServerManager 

objects in the C++ code. The book "ParaView Guide" suggests the use of 
vtkSMApplication to initialize the connection to a pvserver, but I can't seem to 

connect successfully.

Do you have examples that demonstrate the above four steps (or some of them) at 
a rather basic level?
(I mentioned "without python interpreter". What I mean is that the visualization 

should be defined using methods of ServerManager objects, not through 
interpreted python code. It is no problem, if another python interpreter is 
running in the background to process the client-server communication.)


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