[Paraview] How to generate a depth map from a ParaView scene

Stephane PLOIX stephane.ploix at edf.fr
Tue Dec 7 08:56:07 EST 2010


If you want to use the depth map to improve some rendering, I would 
recommend trying the multipass framework.
You can have a look in the Example/Plugin/RenderPassViews directory in the 
sources, or you can have some higher level description at 


Stephane PLOIX
Pilote Opérationnel - Visualisation scientifique
1, Av du Général de Gaulle
92140 Clamart
stephane.ploix at edf.fr
Tél. : +33 (0) 1 47 65 51 10
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dave.demarle at kitware.com 
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07/12/2010 14:21

baaden at smplinux.de
paraview at paraview.org
Re: [Paraview] How to generate a depth map from a ParaView scene

I'ld try this path:

from the python shell get a hold of the current render view proxy

from that get a hold of the vtkRenderWindow

on that call GetZBufferData

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-371-3971 x109

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:07 AM, Marc Baaden <baaden at smplinux.de> wrote:


We are experimenting with some 3D visualization of data/paraview scenes, 
where we need
both an image of the scene and the corresponding depthmap (or z-buffer; 
grayscale image
where each pixel color corresponds to the distance from the camera 

I was wondering how to achieve such a depthmap within paraview (from some 
3D data such
as a surface or a polygonal object). I guess such a filter does not exist 
right out of
the box?

Probably the elevation filter could be used for this, but I was wondering 
how I could get
it to use the right axis (perpendicular to the screen from the camera 
Thanks in advance for any hints.

Kind regards,
Marc Baaden

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