[Paraview] How to generate a depth map from a ParaView scene

Marc Baaden baaden at smplinux.de
Tue Dec 7 04:07:21 EST 2010


We are experimenting with some 3D visualization of data/paraview scenes, where we need
both an image of the scene and the corresponding depthmap (or z-buffer; grayscale image
where each pixel color corresponds to the distance from the camera viewpoint).

I was wondering how to achieve such a depthmap within paraview (from some 3D data such
as a surface or a polygonal object). I guess such a filter does not exist right out of
the box?

Probably the elevation filter could be used for this, but I was wondering how I could get
it to use the right axis (perpendicular to the screen from the camera position)?
Thanks in advance for any hints.

Kind regards,
Marc Baaden

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