[Paraview] No TimeSteps attribute for XdmfReader in pv 3.8.0 on mac os x 10.6

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Dec 6 16:19:20 EST 2010

To change the requested time-step, you need to use the following API:

> probe.UpdatePipeline ( 1.0 ) # argument is the time value for the timestep you're interested in.

If you do not know the time values, the reader has a property named
TimestepValues which is the list of timesteps provided by the reader
that you can access after calling reader.UpdatePipelineInformation().


On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Ido Akkerman <idoakkerman at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello paraviewers,
> I have a xmf with a time dependent solution. I am able to read in the solution
> extract the pressure at a specific point (script is posted below).
> However, I only get  the pressure for the first time step.
> According to the online manuel,
> http://paraview.org/OnlineHelpCurrent/XdmfReader.html
> there should be a member TimeStep.  However, this options seems to be missing in the version I am using,
> paraview 3.8.0 on mac os x 10.6.
> TimestepValues is listed and gives the anticipated result.
>  Am I  doing  something wrong, or is this a bug? Is there an easy work around ?
> My current work around is to produce a xmf file for each time step. Which works but seems a bit clumsy.
> Ido
> Scritp:
> from paraview import servermanager
> from paraview.simple import *
> if not paraview.servermanager.ActiveConnection:
>        connection = paraview.servermanager.Connect()
> reader = servermanager.sources.XdmfReader(FileName="data.xmf")
> reader.UpdatePipeline()
> point = PointSource(Center=[2.3955,0.5,0.021],NumberOfPoints=1)
> probe = ProbePoint(Input=reader,Source=point)
> probe.UpdatePipeline()
> fp = servermanager.Fetch(probe)
> pdata= fp.GetPointData()
> pressure = pdata.GetArray("p").GetTuple1(0)
> print pressure
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