[Paraview] vtkNetCDF upgraded to 4.1.1

Dave Partyka dave.partyka at kitware.com
Tue Aug 17 15:11:12 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I just upaded VTK's netcdf from 3.6.2 to 4.1.1. In addition to the
traditional C library I have also brought in the C++ version of the library
(vtkNetCDF_cpp). I spent time creating the proper DLL exports, allowing even
Windows developers to use the library! This provides a nicer API that
developers can use when writing new netcdf readers/writers. Also with netcdf
4.x we can now potentially use HDF5 based NetCDF files. See here for the
release notes for NetCDF 4. As always we value feedback from the community,
feel free to report any issues. In the mean time I will be monitoring the


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