[Paraview] Contour on a 2d plot

Jacques Papper jacques.papper at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 07:36:39 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I'm starting to look into the ParaView CoProcessing libraries.
I just pulled from git today, and compiled it all up following the
guidelines in :
I didn't find :
*but instead :
anyway the compilation went through without any issues.
I then tried :

ctest -R CoProcessing
Test project /users/boreas01/jacques/PARAVIEW/ParaView-bin
    Start 491: CoProcessingTestPythonScript
1/3 Test #491: CoProcessingTestPythonScript ...........   Passed    0.45 sec
    Start 492: CoProcessingPythonScriptGridPlot
2/3 Test #492: CoProcessingPythonScriptGridPlot .......***Failed    0.09 sec
    Start 493: CoProcessingPythonScriptPressurePlot
3/3 Test #493: CoProcessingPythonScriptPressurePlot ...***Failed    0.09 sec

33% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) =   0.68 sec

The following tests FAILED:
        492 - CoProcessingPythonScriptGridPlot (Failed)
        493 - CoProcessingPythonScriptPressurePlot (Failed)
Errors while running CTest

Is this a problem in my current installation or on the master branch ?

Finally, I would like to start writing an adaptor to a C++ parallelised
code. Can you tell me what is the closest code I can inspire myself from ?

Thank you,
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