[Paraview] Parallel build/test and git

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Tue Apr 27 16:27:30 EDT 2010

On 04/27/2010 03:40 PM, David E DeMarle wrote:
> Hmm, I believe kargad is building its submission in parallel:
> cmake-2.8.1
> set (CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS "-j 8")

Do you actually see 8 compiler processes?

The time seems right but I don't trust the times on the dashboard right now.

> Maybe there is something to be gleaned from:
> http://www.cdash.org/CDash/viewNotes.php?buildid=596035
> ?

I don't see anything new there unless paraview_common.cmake is changing
very rapidly and everybody has a different version.

This is what makes me the most doubtful :

$ find CMake/ -exec grep -l CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS '{}' \;
$ grep CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS CMake/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildCommand.cxx
      : this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS");
[kevin at bubbles kitware]$

CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS is mentioned only once in all of CMake!

It's not mentioned at all in ParaView.

$ find ParaView/ -exec grep -l CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS '{}' \;

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