[Paraview] vtkPVTrivialProducer issues

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Apr 23 17:44:30 EDT 2010

You no longer need the initial part for loading the XML. You can directly use:

 tp = sm.sources.TrivialProducer()

and that should work.


On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:09 PM,  <wastrel at gmail.com> wrote:
> I used the the following snippet to generate data on the client side but
> ended up with errors:
> Code:
> sm = servermanager
> f = open('trivialproducer.xml', 'r')
> parser = sm.vtkSMXMLParser()
> parser.Parse(f.read())
> parser.ProcessConfiguration(sm.vtkSMObject.GetProxyManager())
> # Update the modules
> sm._updateModules()
> tp = sm.sources.TrivialProducer()
> obj = tp.GetClientSideObject()
> obj.SetOutput(pd)
> # use tp as any other source proxy
> trivialproducer.xml:
> <ServerManagerConfiguration>
> <ProxyGroup name="sources">
> <SourceProxy name="TrivialProducer"
> class="vtkPVTrivialProducer">
> </SourceProxy>
> </ProxyGroup>
> Errors:
> /home/berk/Work/ReleaseBuilds/ParaView3/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx,
> line 1001
> vtkProcessModule (0x807b790): Cannot create object of type
> "vtkPVTrivialProducer".
> while processing
> Message 0 = New
>   Argument 0 = string_value {vtkPVTrivialProducer}
>   Argument 1 = id_value {40}
> /home/berk/Work/ReleaseBuilds/ParaView3/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx,
> line 1002
> vtkProcessModule (0x807b790): Aborting execution for debugging purposes.
> Abort
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