[Paraview] Use existing texture map for 3D surface

Olumide 50295 at web.de
Wed Apr 21 11:13:44 EDT 2010

HI Eric,

What you see in the image http://tinyurl.com/y3sqtbt are the faces of 
the model in UV space. The image is therefore an explicit specification 
of texture coordinates on a per-face basis. That is to say, the 
representation allows texture coordinates to independently specified for 
each face. And as a result, seams appear in the UV space representation 
whenever a vertex has more than 1 texture coordinate e.g. a diffuerent 
texture coordinate for each face or group of faces.

CGI artists refer to this process of creating this representation as 
UV-unwrapping. See:

But I see what you mean. It is possible to export each UV patch of my 
model as a different sub-object, where each vertex of the sub-object has 
one texture coordinate.

Back on track ...


- Olumide

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