[Paraview] multiple unstructured grids in a single .vtu file

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Thu Apr 15 09:59:53 EDT 2010

Hey Massimiliano,

Since unstructured grids are so unstructured, you could combine both geometries together as part of the same unstructured grid, but then it's not as easy to manipulate them or color them separately later. 

What you might want to do is to Group your two unstructured grids into a multi-block data set and save it as a .vtm file. Then, at any point where you want to deal with one of the grids separately from the other, you can use Extract Block to pull them apart.

If you already have your two .vtu files and all you're concerned about is being able to load them simultaneously, then you could also refer to them both within a single .pvd file and they would load as a multi-block data set:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">
    <DataSet group="" part="0" file="elements.vtu"/>
    <DataSet group="" part="1" file="quadraticTetra01.vtu"/>

Talk to you later,

Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

On Apr 15, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Massimiliano Martinelli wrote:

> Hello,
> do you know if it is possible to write/read two different unstructured grids on a single .vtu file?
> I'm working with B-Spline/NURBS geometry and I would like to have the control net (the first unstructured grid) and the resulting discretized geometry (the second unstructured grid) in a single file...
> Thank you very much.
> MM
> --------------------------------------------------
> Massimiliano Martinelli, Ph.D.
> +39 0382 548209
> martinelli at imati.cnr.it
> massimiliano.martinelli at gmail.com
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