[Paraview] Paraview crashes when loading simple Plugin

Christian Werner christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
Sun Apr 11 10:20:22 EDT 2010

I am absolutely sure that there is no other ParaView Version around. I 
installed everything on a completely "Kitware-Free" Windows 7 System, so 
I just downloaded a stable 2.8 CMake and the RC Paraview (and QT 4.6.2) 
and then compiled everything with Visual Studio Express 8. QT was 
precompiled for VS though. Paraview even crashes when I try to load one 
of the prelisted plugins with the pv_plugin_debug turned on.

Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> Any chance there are other versions on ParaView in your PATH? Try
> using dependency walker to ensure that the correct dlls are being
> loaded.
> Utkarsh
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Christian Werner
> <christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I don't like it, but I have to get some plugins running with Paraview in
>> Windohs. I just installed 3.8 RC1 for that purpose. At first, everything
>> seemed fine. Two of my filters that worked in Linux worked right out of the
>> box, after compiling them with Visual Studio Express. But a third one
>> wouldn't. I chose to set the environment variable PV_PLUGIN_DEBUG to see if
>> I can detect what goes wrong. It turned out that Paraview gets unstable in
>> this mode, i.e. it doesn't load any simple Plugin anymore, it just crashes
>> when trying.
>> I have attached a CMakeList and two xmls that define a new Paraview plugin.
>> It is an already existing vtk filter. Paraview crashes when I try to load
>> it, only if the pv_plugin_debug variable is set. Without the debugging
>> variable, the filter loads and works just fine.
>> What shall I do?
>> Best regards,
>> Christian
>> PROJECT(GaussianSmooth3D)
>> #find and load ParaView settings
>> ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(GaussianSmooth3D "1.0"
>>  SERVER_MANAGER_XML GaussianSmooth3D.xml
>>  GUI_RESOURCE_FILES GaussianSmooth3DGUI.xml
>> )
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