[Paraview] Paraview crashes when loading simple Plugin

Christian Werner christian.werner at rwth-aachen.de
Sat Apr 10 08:21:15 EDT 2010


I don't like it, but I have to get some plugins running with Paraview in 
Windohs. I just installed 3.8 RC1 for that purpose. At first, everything 
seemed fine. Two of my filters that worked in Linux worked right out of 
the box, after compiling them with Visual Studio Express. But a third 
one wouldn't. I chose to set the environment variable PV_PLUGIN_DEBUG to 
see if I can detect what goes wrong. It turned out that Paraview gets 
unstable in this mode, i.e. it doesn't load any simple Plugin anymore, 
it just crashes when trying.

I have attached a CMakeList and two xmls that define a new Paraview 
plugin. It is an already existing vtk filter. Paraview crashes when I 
try to load it, only if the pv_plugin_debug variable is set. Without the 
debugging variable, the filter loads and works just fine.

What shall I do?

Best regards,
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