[Paraview] questions re VTK-formatted file

Randy Heiland heiland at indiana.edu
Fri Apr 9 10:06:59 EDT 2010


Thanks for the tips.  Sure enough, the clean-to-grid filter worked (seems odd though, as the contour filter would presumably use a slower alg on an unstruct grid).

Regarding the "Convert to" 2D/3D views, when I tried it on that example, it seemed to clear the views and I wasn't sure how to recover them.  But I'll keep playing.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 1:06 PM, pat marion wrote:

> For the color map question you asked inside your link, maybe you could double check the colormap you created.  Paraview's colormap editor can be a bit touchy, and it's easy to accidentally add extra points.  When I tried your example data, it correctly colored the point with scalar value 1 using the default color map.
> Try running clean-to-grid filter before you run the contour filter.  Clean to grid will convert the image data to unstructured grid data.  The contour filter will work after that.  Maybe someone else can tell you why it doesn't work without conversion.
> Paraview is being clever, and displaying your data by default in a "2D View."  The output of the contour filter is displayed in the 3D view, so that's why a new view pops open.  After you open your data, you can right-click the area above the render view and choose "Covert To" in the context menu to convert the 2D view to a 3D view.
> Pat
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Randy Heiland <heiland at indiana.edu> wrote:
> I have some questions related to a specific datafile format (simple example below).
> Q1:  what exactly is displayed by default when this file is opened?
> Q2:  I can't seem to use a Contour filter on the data - is the format of the file causing problems or something else?
> Q3:  how does one force output results to go to an existing window, rather than opening a new one?
> Here's a link with the same questions and some accompanying pics:
> http://www.compucell3d.org/mediawiki1.7/index.php/Pv_simple
> thanks, Randy
> # vtk DataFile Version 3.0
> silly data
> SPACING 1 1 1
> ORIGIN 0 0 0
> FIELD FieldData 2
> foo 1 9 float
> 3 3 3
> 3 1 3
> 3 3 3
> bar 1 9 float
> 4 4 4
> 5 5 5
> 6 6 6
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