[Paraview] Different Coordinate systems!

Arsham Mesbah arsham at uga.edu
Thu Sep 24 22:56:27 EDT 2009


Does anyone know how different coordination systems is being handled in
ParaView and How paraview keeps track of the the transformation from one to
another one!
Here is my train of thoughts, well in any 3D Visualization system we have a
"Point of View" which I think in ParaView is handled with a Class (ParaView
uses the term Camera I think) which I assume it is in a different coordinate
system than Our actual scene! (I would actually like to know name of and the
location of the camera class in ParaView Source if you know where it is
please do let me know)
Further more, we might have more than an object which we are visualizing
(reading off of vtk file) and they might be in different coordinate systems
how does ParaView handle this? which class is used to handle this kind of
differences and how ParaView keeps the track of these transforms? Any
specific Proxy or Super class is used here to handle this?

I would appreciate any help or comment!

Sincerely Yours,
Arsham Mesbah
University of Georgia
Department of Computer Science
415 Graduate Studies Research Center
Athens, GA 30602
Web: cs.uga.edu/~ars
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