[Paraview] FW: paraview3.6.1/OSMesa rendering issue

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Tue Sep 8 05:04:55 EDT 2009

On 09/08/2009 04:02 AM, Lucy Gagliardi wrote:
> Hi, 
> I've attached a jpeg version of one of the png output files. It doesn't
> appear to me that the rgb values are alternating, but there are definite
> bands of colour. 

Wow, that's really garbled.

It does not look like the problem I've seen before.

> I haven't tried off screen rendering with the gui as I need to be able
> to run the scripts in batch. 

I just want to make sure you can make an output image at all. It does
not have to be a useful rendering just take a screenshot of the sphere
source. Then if that works and if you're doing volume rendering or
something more advanced, then try to make the rendering closer, a little
at a time, to what you are trying to do for real.

The Paraview GUI switches to offscreen rendering to make an output
image, but there is a check-box to turn that off and on.

The problem I've seen where the output images were garbled ( not as
badly as yours ) would happen whenever paraview or vtk took a
screenshot.  It did not matter if I used the GUI or not, offscreen or
not, nor if there was a screen attached to the X server.

> As a work around, I have output the openGL window to a secondary screen
> (in a similar manner to that you described in a previous post yesterday)
> which is working fine for my purposes. 
> Lucy

So everything works as long as the rendering is displayed on an actual

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