[Paraview] NetCDF4 timeseries reader

Maxwell, Thomas P. (GSFC-606.2)[SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTL CORP] thomas.maxwell at nasa.gov
Fri Sep 4 13:37:06 EDT 2009

I am implementing a native NetCDF4/HDF5 reader that will read a timeseries of grids, with each grid stored in a different nc4 file.   I am constructing the timeseries by doing a recursive search through a directory tree for a glob pattern with start and end dates.   I would like to enable the user to enter a set of parameters through the client interface, setting the search root directory, search depth, glob pattern, and start & end dates.  I had hoped to be able to put fields for entering these parameters in the properties panel of the object inspector for the dataset.   However, the timeseries file search needs to be executed during the GetInformation call, which happens before the properties panel becomes accessible.  The reader is currently working correctly, but there is no way to configure the file search from the client- the default values of the search parameters (set in the server plugin xml) are always used.   Do you have any suggestions for handling this situation?
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