[Paraview] Serial remote views of distributed data

David Thompson dcthomp at sandia.gov
Thu Oct 29 13:35:58 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I'm looking to convert a (currently serial) VTK application into a  
ParaView-style client (one that talks to a distributed set of pvserver  
processes) and have a few questions about pqView, distributed data,  
and remote display. My situation is that I have
1. large-distributed datasets as sources
2. pipelines which extract very small subsets of the data from #1
3. several vtkView subclasses which do 3-d rendering/interaction of  
the subsets from #2 in a non-parallel way, and
4. clients which will be run on machines without decent 3-D rendering  

I would like to create new pqView classes that collect data from the  
distributed pvservers to the rank 0 process, do the rendering on the  
rank 0 pvserver process (using the serial vtkViews), and use  
ParaView's remote image delivery mechanism to present the images to  
the client.

Are there existing views that do this? Is the view the place where all  
of this should be performed or are there other places where the data  
aggregation should take place? I see that some of the OverView plugins  
are client-side views but really what I'm looking for is rendering on  
the rank 0 pvserver process, not the client.


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