[Paraview] Stream Tracer crashes pvservers when the number of pvserver processes is larger than the number of dataset pieces

Takuya OSHIMA oshima at eng.niigata-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 28 12:03:42 EDT 2009


I got a crash of 3.7-cvs as of 28/Oct/09 in client/server mode when I
tried to apply Stream Tracer to a dataset that had smaller number of
pieces than the number of pvserver processes.

To replicate:
Start ParaView in client/server mode with 9 pvserver processes,
* Open Iron_Protein.ImageData.xmf that comes with ParaViewData3.6
  (which has 8 dataset pieces)
* Select Filters->Stream Tracer
* Apply
Then pvservers crash (on OS X 10.6.1, Qt 4.5.3 Cocoa 64bit). If they
don't, further try to
* Delete to delete Stream Tracer
* Delete again to delete Iron_Protein.ImageData.xmf
Then pvservers crash (on Ubuntu 8.04 64bit, Qt 4.5.3, gcc 4.2.4).

There seems to be a bit of uncertainty in replication procedure across
platforms thus I have to hope the crash to replicate on the
developer's part. The tracker entry with some more details is


Takuya OSHIMA, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
8050 Ikarashi-Ninocho, Nishi-ku, Niigata, 950-2181, JAPAN

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