[Paraview] pvbatch vs python shell (3.6.1): pvbatch crashes

Jonathan Dursi ljdursi at scinet.utoronto.ca
Tue Oct 20 15:34:42 EDT 2009

Hi, Greg:

Thanks for the quick reply.  Making things more consistent has certainly 
cleaned up the script, which now reads

from paraview.simple import *

reader = 
pointData = CellDatatoPointData(reader)
contour = Contour(pointData)
rep = Show(contour)
view = Render()

but the problem remains; it works fine with pvserver when feeding this 
script into the client's python shell, but it still crashes horribly 
with pvbatch:

$ mpirun -np 80 pvbatch --use-offscreen-rendering ../foo.py
Process id: 0 >> ERROR: In 
line 327
vtkSMProxyManager (0x1712f210): No proxy that matches: group=views and 
proxy=BarChartView were found.

Process id: 0 >> ERROR: In 
line 2032
vtkSMComparativeViewProxy (0x183bf900): Failed to create subproxy: 

Process id: 0 >> ERROR: In 
line 327
vtkSMProxyManager (0x1712f210): No proxy that matches: group=views and 
proxy=XYPlotView were found.

Process id: 0 >> ERROR: In 
line 2032
vtkSMComparativeViewProxy (0x18542ea0): Failed to create subproxy: 

vtkFileSeriesReader : [ ...........]
vtkFileSeriesReader(1) : [ ...........]
vtkFileSeriesReader(4) : [ ...........]
vtkFileSeriesReader(9) : [ ...........]
vtkFileSeriesReader(32) : [ ...........]
vtkFileSeriesReader(35) : [ ...........]
vtkPVGeometryFilter : [ ...........]
vtkPVGeometryFilter(6) : [ ...........]
vtkPVGeometryFilter(43) : [ ...........]
vtkPVGeometryFilter(53) : [ ...........]
vtkPVGeometryFilter(15) : [ ...........]
rank 54 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 54: killed by signal 11
rank 51 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 51: killed by signal 11
rank 50 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 50: killed by signal 11
rank 45 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 45: killed by signal 11
rank 42 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 42: killed by signal 11
rank 69 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 69: killed by signal 11
rank 67 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 67: killed by signal 11
rank 62 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 62: killed by signal 11
rank 61 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 61: killed by signal 11
rank 58 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 58: killed by signal 11
rank 56 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 56: killed by signal 11
rank 11 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 11: killed by signal 11
rank 9 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 9: killed by signal 9
rank 8 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 8: killed by signal 9
rank 0 in job 1  gpc-f144n002_47183   caused collective abort of all ranks
   exit status of rank 0: killed by signal 9

Jonathan Dursi     <ljdursi at scinet.utoronto.ca>

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