[Paraview] Please help!! How to force Render() from a reader

Fabian Wein fabian.wein at am.uni-erlangen.de
Wed Oct 14 11:26:40 EDT 2009

Hi Takuya,

> Perhaps you are right in that you need a gui (client) part.
> (PV experts: correct me if I am wrong)
>> Is there a complete code example anywhere?
> Here is what I have in the gui (client) part for the "pesudo" live
> updating of my time-aware reader (I am using a QTimer for periodically
> polling a running case in a simple way). It's sort of brutal
> implementation though.
> If you are intersted in the full version, have a look at
> http://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Contrib_Parallelized_Native_OpenFOAM_Reader_for_ParaView

Thanks for the support. It helped! But due to time constraints I'll go
with the animator.



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