[Paraview] Descriptive statistics over time?

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Fri Oct 9 11:15:57 EDT 2009

Hello again,

I love all the new statistics additions to PV, but I was wondering if  
there is a way to plot the computed values over time? Say I calculate  
the mean value of some data attribute using Descriptive Statistics, is  
there a way of plotting this value over time? It looks like Plot Data  
is the only choice for Table types.

I was able to do this in a roundabout way, by applying the Table to  
Points filter, and then plotting a selection from this over time, but  
since "variables of interest" get translated into points, it's too  
difficult to keep track of which points are which variables...


Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

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