[Paraview] Populating GUI elements in custom reader

Karl König kkoenig11 at web.de
Tue Oct 6 05:20:28 EDT 2009

Hi Thorsten,

Take a look at

For another example that comes along with the necessary changes in
CMakeLists.txt take a look at a recent thread, in particular at the
attachment in

Just make sure you change line 85 of the CMakeLists.txt in the tarball
like this

-     XML_NAME FooReader # name of SourceProxy in FooReaderSM.xml
+     XML_NAME FooSeriesReader # name of SourceProxy in FooReaderSM.xml

You can create any Qt widget you like and manipulate widgets
automatically created by PV based on your reader'S XML file, but you
have to code it manually in C++, which can be tedious for starters. As
far as I know there is no way of designing your panel using Qt designer,
save a *.ui file and let Qt's moc convert it into source code.


----- Original Message -----
From: Thorsten Hater <th at tp1.rub.de>
To: "paraView at paraview.org" <paraView at paraview.org>
Sent: Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009 10:50:00
Subject: [Paraview] Populating GUI elements in custom reader
> Hello,
> I have a custom reader, which displays some information in the GUI, like
> the domain it is going to extract.
> The question is, how can I populate these elements with sensible
> information,
> which is not known before RequestInformation (like the domain sizes)?
> Thorsten
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