[Paraview] rotating and shifting image data

Martin Luessi m-luessi at northwestern.edu
Wed Nov 25 13:57:16 EST 2009


I'm working on a python script to open MRI images in NIFTI format in
paraview. I'm using "simple.ImageReader" to read the volume data.
However, the file header specifies a 4x4 matrix which transforms voxel
indices to coordinates in a reference coordinate system in mm, and I
would like to use the mm coordinates in paraview.

There is a VTK thread on doing this
and the solution was to use "vtkImageReslice" together with a
transform using "vtkMatrix4x4". However, the "vtkImageReslice" filter
does not seem to be present in the VTK version that comes with
ParaView (3.6.1-r1 on Gentoo). (Apart from this I couldn't figure out
how to use VTK filters on "simple.ImageReader").

Since this didn't work, I tried a different method. The 4x4 matrix in
the file is usually purely rotational and translational, I can extract
the rotation and translation parameters for each dimension from the
matrix and then simply rotate and shift the Image object. This can be
done in Python using

props = simple.GetDisplayProperties(img)
props.Orientation = (180*alpha/pi, 180*beta/pi, 180*gamma/pi)
props.Position     = (tx, ty, tz)

Where img is the "simple.ImageReader" object. This does rotate and
translate the volume (image). However, the problem is that if apply a
filter on it (e.g. Slice) the output of the filter is not shifted and
translated, and thus does not appear at the same location as the
image. I also tried using "simple.Transform" for the rotation and
translation, but it looks like it doesn't support Image objects as

Any hints on how to do this are greatly appreciated.


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