[Paraview] particle tracking

Bastil2001 at yahoo.de Bastil2001 at yahoo.de
Thu Nov 19 15:58:34 EST 2009

I am wondering what the state of this is? I am very interested in this
feature. Up to new I used Johns workaround but iso-clipping the
streamlines makes my Paraview 3.6.1 crash without any further comment.



I don't think this answers Pei's question. To my knowledge the

temporal stream tracer (i.e. particle tracker) works only for

time-dependent data. Am I wrong? To animate particles in a

steady-state flow field, I'd think that you would generate streamlines

and then somehow animate particles along those. I can't think of

anything that would do this out-of-box but writing a  filter that does

this would be pretty easy. Is this something more than a few users

would want?


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:22 AM, David E DeMarle

<dave.demarle at kitware.com <http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview>> wrote:

>/ Hi Pei-Ying,/


//>/ You may want to try ParaView Meshless/

>/ (https://twiki.cscs.ch/twiki/bin/view/ParaViewMeshless). It is a/

>/ version of ParaView with the cutting edge of John Biddiscombe's/

>/ particle tracking work in it. Some of those features will be/have been/

>/ integrated into the main paraview code, but I can not vouch for when/

>/ that will happen./


//>/ cheers,/

>/ Dave DeMarle/



//>/ 2008/12/25 Pei-Ying Hsieh <phsieh2005 at yahoo.com <http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview>>:/

>>/ Dear PVers:/


//>>/ I have a steady state flow field.  I am wondering if PV can do particle/

>>/ tracking animation./


//>>/ what I am looking for is similar to pathlines, but, instead of showing the/

>>/ lines, I would like to do an animation of seed particles "flowing" through/

>>/ the flow field.  Is this possible?/


//>>/ Thanks! and wish everyone here a Happy New Year!/



//>>/ Pei/



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//>/ --/

>/ David E DeMarle/

>/ Kitware, Inc./

>/ R&D Engineer/

>/ 28 Corporate Drive/

>/ Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662/

>/ Phone: 518-371-3971 x109/

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