[Paraview] Time dependent multi-domain files

Brian Greiner beg at msic.dia.mil
Wed Nov 18 17:01:47 EST 2009

I have a series of muti-domain files at several time steps that I am 
trying to animate.  The data are in legacy VTK format with domains 
linked together by a .pvtk file.  The individual files are named 
according to type, timestamp, and domain.  For example, for a species 
mass fraction dump on a cutting plane, the files are named:


where pl.01 is for cutting plane #1, 0000 is the time stamp, and .p0001 
is for the first domain.  Thus, for a single time stamp, the .pvtk file 
(vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.pvtk) looks like:

<File version="pvtk-1.0"
    numberOfPieces="143" >
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0002.vtk" />
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0004.vtk" />
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0006.vtk" />
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0007.vtk" />
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0245.vtk" />
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0246.vtk" />
 <Piece fileName="vdmp_smf_01_pl.01.0000.p0256.vtk" />

The reason that the domains are numbered funny is that only 143 of my 
256 domains are sliced by cutting plane 1.

I then have a .pvtk file for each time stamp.  Thus for the first 5 time 
stamps I have:


My questions are:

1)  How do I get Paraview to read in all of the time stamped files 
(.pvtk) at the same time?  When I see them in the Open File dialog, they 
show up as a database:


which I can expand to show the individual files.  But if I select the 
database, all that opens is the 0000 time stamp file.  When animated, 
nothing happens.

2) How do I animate these?

3) How do I assign a real time to a particular time stamp, such as 0001 
= 5e-2 seconds?


B Greiner

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