[Paraview] Improving vtkDataArraySelection ... and a question of the general philosophy

Olesen, Mark Mark.Olesen at emcontechnologies.com
Mon Nov 9 09:35:18 EST 2009

> Forwarding this to the vtk-developer's list.
> Utkarsh

Thanks, does this mean that I should subscribe and post there, or just cross-post from here (Paraview)?


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mark Olesen <Mark.Olesen at emcontechnologies.com>
> Date: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:21 AM
> Subject: [Paraview] Improving vtkDataArraySelection ... and a question
> of the general philosophy
> To: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
> I was looking at making some minor tweaks to vtkDataArraySelection and
> started wondering why some things are being done the way they are.
> First off I'll explain what I wanted.
> I'd like an additional method
>    int AddArray(const char* name, int defaultStatus);
> The behaviour is as per AddArray(const char*), but with the ability to
> specify which default status should be used when it is created.
> [
>  I really cannot figure out a workaround for adding an array
>  entry with an unselected state that doesn't automatically
>  trigger this->Modified();
> ]
> Then the questions begin:
> The method probably doesn't exist in that form since nobody 
> thought they
> needed it. However, it could also be that having multiple 
> signatures is
> frowned upon in VTK. Or are there problems with binding to other
> languages?
> Having said that, the methods are surrounded by a BTX/ETX pair so
> wrapping may not be the problem, but I'm not sure.
> After taking a slightly closer look, I also noticed that the internals
> use a vtkstd::vector<vtkstd::string> and a vtkstd::vector<int> for the
> storage.
> If there is a std::string under the hood, is there any other reason
> (beyond language wrapping) that we have everything with (const char*)
> parameters instead of (const vtkstd::string&)?
> Is it only historical that a vtkstd::vector<int> is used for storing a
> bool state? Or is there a desire to avoid the std::vector<bool>
> specialization?
> Thanks,
> /mark
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