[Paraview] Also losing scalar arrays on Generate Ids

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Fri Nov 6 05:24:53 EST 2009


Of course it's not you. Perhaps I didn't explain well to the other developers, but when someone made significant changes to the ActiveScalars code a few years ago, the SetActiveScalars was added to do what it says, but it is not used correctly the filters were upgraded. There are literally dozens of filters in vtk which call SetActiveScalars at the end of execute to set some array, but they are lost as soon as they are passed into another filter which does the same.

It's a design flaw. The correct fix is to AddScalars inside SetActiveScalars and then make them active. Someone needs to peek into the code to double check exactly what's wrong as I'm doing this from memory. In my filters I always addScalars first and do not have this trouble.


(John Biddiscombe said he had this happen once when a filter called
SetActiveScalars() without calling AddArray() first, then when another
filter called SetActiveScalars() it removed the first one...)

Again, please let me know if this is just me for some reason...

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