[Paraview] Losing data during clip by scalar

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Thu Nov 5 13:43:15 EST 2009


I'm running into another bug where I'm losing scalar arrays when using  
a clip filter -- this time when clipping by a scalar (before it was on  
clipping multi-block data, fixed by Utkarsh on May 6, 2009). It seems  
to happen on both PV 3.6.1 binary and yesterday's CVS.

To reproduce:
Create Sphere Source
Elevation filter
Curvature filter
Clip by Scalar on Elevation = 0.5 (or on Gauss_Curvature = 4)

The Gauss_Curvature point data disappears.

I think no matter what, the last scalar added to the data disappears,  
which is similar to what was happening when clipping multi-block before.

Has anyone else noticed this? (I'll attach a python trace to run in  
case that makes it easier to test.)


ParaView CVS 4 Nov 2009 (w/python, no MPI)
CMake 2.9.20091003
OS X 10.5.8

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Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

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