[Paraview] ParaView3 64-bit on Mac OS X 10.6.1

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at me.com
Tue Nov 3 02:07:46 EST 2009

	So, coming back to the issue with ParaView crashing on start-up,  
cmake-2.9.x the current version from cvs, does not copy the qt  
framework libraries to the app bundle. So I downgraded to cmake-2.8- 
rc4 and rebuild the paraview application from scratch.

This time around, some files from the qt libraries were copied to the  
app bundle, but the paraview app still crashes.

If I go into the app bundle, and try to launch the paraview executable  
from the Paraview-3.7.0.app/MacOS folder, it gives the following error:

Last login: Tue Nov  3 09:48:19 on ttys002
/Applications/ParaView\ 3.7.0.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview ; exit;
Elvis-Dowsons-MacBook-Pro:~ elvis$ /Applications/ParaView\ 3.7.0.app/ 
Contents/MacOS/paraview ; exit;
Qt internal error: qt_menu.nib could not be loaded. The .nib file  
should be placed in QtGui.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/  or in  
the resources directory of your application bundle.
Abort trap

If I look under QtGui.framework/Versions, there is no Current folder,  
so the whole Current/Resources/ subfolder is missing from the app  

  I can clearly see that for my qt-4.5.4 installation, the lib/ 
QtGui.framework folder is ok, ...  there is a alias called Current ,  
which points to /Developer/Applications/Qt-4.5/lib/QtGui.framework/ 
Versions/4, which contains the Resources and Headers subfolders.

But this is missing from the app bundle.

The cmake script should have fully copied the version 4 resources and  
header folders, and it is crashing because the Resources were not  
copied over fully.

What should I do?

Best regards,


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