[Paraview] Select points and pass them to a plugin

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Sun Nov 1 14:57:23 EST 2009

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Nehme Bilal <nehmebilal at gmail.com> wrote:
> Or maybe adding a property on each point in the original datasets to
> identify from which dataset it's comming from.
> Nehme

That's not a bad idea - the only "but" is that they must remain
ordered because I need corresponding points. That is, I don't just
need two sets of points, I need two sets of ORDERED points so that the
first point from dataset1 stays corresponded to the first point in
dataset2. Have I explained this clearly? Do the selected points stay
ordered in the order they were selected? Does the Append Dataset
filter maintain the order of the points? i.e. the combined points
would look like
DataSet1 Point1
DataSet1 Point2
DataSet1 Point ... n
DataSet2 Point1
DataSet2 Point2
DataSet2 Point... n

Can anyone else comment if this is a recommended way to do something
like this in Paraview?



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