[Paraview] looking for 3.6 (or higher)

Randy Heiland heiland at indiana.edu
Tue May 26 14:37:17 EDT 2009

Thanks for your reply, Utkarsh.  Just another case of stupid user.   
"3.7.0" does indeed appear across the top of my GUI.  I was mistakenly  
pointing to another version before.  Onward...


On May 26, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

> Are you sure the update happened correctly (cvs update -dAP). With  
> the current CVS head, you should see "Kitware ParaView 3.7.0  
> (development)" as the title.
> 3.5 was the development version in which the new python scripting  
> was introduced. So if you have 3.5 depending on what date it was  
> checked out, some features mentioned in the article (will or will  
> not) work.
> Utkarsh
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Randy Heiland <heiland at indiana.edu>  
> wrote:
> While I continue to dig around, let me ask the list...
> I was going to start walking through instructions on this page:
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Python_Scripting
> and the first thing I see is it needs 3.6 or higher.  So, I update  
> my code from cvs (cvsroot/ParaView3), rebuild, run the app (on OSX):
> .../bin/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
> and see "Kitware ParaView 3.5.0 (development)" across the top of the  
> GUi.
> Q: is this really 3.5 or not?  If not, is there a way to check what  
> version I'm running?
> I'm hoping the fact that I can do the following means that I am  
> indeed running >=3.6 (but maybe not):
> >>> from paraview.simple import *
> >>> cone = Cone()
> thanks, Randy
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