[Paraview] usage of vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Mon May 25 05:17:50 EDT 2009

I´m trying to use the vtkDataSetObjectToDataSetFilter, but it doesn´t really work, this is my code:

  vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataObject> inputCopy;

  vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter* DoToDS = vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter::New();
  DoToDS -> SetInput(inputCopy);
  vtkDataSet* ds = DoToDS -> GetOutput();
  DoToDS -> Update();

Compiling is ok, executing I get the following error:

ERROR: In .../ParaView-3.4.0/VTK/Graphics/vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter.cxx, line 291
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter (0x1377fd00): Couldn't create any points

ERROR: In ../ParaView-3.4.0/VTK/Graphics/vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter.cxx, line 560
vtkDataObjectToDataSetFilter (0x13787b30): Can't find array requested

It seems I need to specify more, but what? and how?

thx for help,

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