[Paraview] Post processing vts data in paraview with python

Mark Fleharty mark.fleharty at gmail.com
Tue May 19 22:52:24 EDT 2009


I'm new to using Python with Paraview.  I've been generating data in
the vts file format, and I would like to do some post processing on it
inside Paraview.

I'm trying to read data from a structured grid and just get the
various values for different X, Y, and Z positions.

I have a simple script that looks like:

from paraview.servermanager import *

reader = sources.XMLStructuredGridReader(FileName="fields.vts")

So far this seems to work, I've been trying to figure out what methods
exist withing ExtractGrid and XMLStructuredGridReader that I can use
to find out what values I have at certain positions.

Does anyone have a script that already does something similar?



Mark Fleharty
+1 505 217-2089

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