[Paraview] using with python to make a clip

BOUSSOIR Jonathan 167706 Jonathan.BOUSSOIR at cea.fr
Tue May 19 06:17:13 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I am using Linux and Paraview 3.4 or 3.5. I have one question how I can do clipping on a sphere with Python and Paraview.

I made a very simple geometry and tried to do add a clipping. But, I dont manage to see the clip on the view rendering.
There my script belong, if someone can help me to understand where is my bug.

I am new to paraview, please let me know if I asked any inappropriate questions. Thanks in advance for your kind help.


# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

from paraview import servermanager
connection = servermanager.Connect('localhost')

sphere = servermanager.sources.SphereSource(PhiResolution=20, ThetaResolution=20, Radius=0.5, Center=[0, 0, 0])

view = servermanager.CreateRenderView()
rep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation(sphere, view)
rep.Representation = 2		#Surface mode

view.StillRender()		#I can see the sphere

# Create the clip filter
clipper = servermanager.filters.Clip(Input=sphere)

# Create the implicit plane that is used to define the 
# clip function
plane = servermanager.implicit_functions.Plane()
plane.Normal = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# Assign the clip function
clipper.ClipFunction = plane
rep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation(clipper, view)

# Reset camera and render
view.StillRender()		#I can't see clipping on the sphere :(

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