[Paraview] Secrets of the ParaView install process

John Biddiscombe biddisco at cscs.ch
Mon May 18 09:21:14 EDT 2009

> qt-assistant still does not work. The assisstant help issue appears to 
> be caused by paraview invoking the wrong command line, but I don't 
> understand why.

The secret is to edit the file
to change the hard coded path to the assistant. I replaced it with
because the launch bat file starts in the dir below .\bin

Seems strange that one needs to
a) Create an installer
b) Install it locally
c) change the IceT libs, edit the pqClientDocFinder.txt, copy the python 
libs, copy a few plugin binaries
[d) edit the manifest file to get around the VisualStudio 2008 SP1 problem]
e) re-zip the whole lot back up again

e) upload zip file for users to download

steps b/c/e seem unnecessary, but the final package works - so I can't 
grumble. Users have a customized paraview with added plugins auto-loaded 
etc and all are happy.

NB. I placed the attached batch file for launching in the root install 
dir so that I can override paths on my main machine with the installer 
ones and the development ones in my hardcoded PV_PLUGIN_PATYH are not 
picked up as the batch file overwrites the locations etc

regards and sorry for the noise

PS. the manifest editing is actually pointless if you are includsing 
python, because even if you do it right, the python dll is compiled 
against the old pre SP1 redist so it still fails, you are better off 
telling users to install the vcredist package first.

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