[Paraview] High-order elements & VTK/ParaView

Martin Vymazal martin.vymazal at vki.ac.be
Wed May 13 10:33:52 EDT 2009

Hello ParaView users,

 I'd like to ask what is the status of implementation of high order
elements in ParaView. I have a mesh file with P2 triangles (VTK element
type 22), which works fine for me. However, I'd like to ask if it is
possible to display also P3 (or possibly even higher order elements) in
ParaView in a 'natural way', i.e. without having to break the HO element
into subelements.
  In fact, I'd also like to know if it is possible to display high order
elements without seeing their subelements. After I load my P2 mesh, I
don't see the mesh as such, but its subtriangulation and I don't like it
too much.
 The pdf file which describes legacy and new vtk file format doesn't
mention more than second order elements, but I've also found some reports
on HO element visualization using the VTK toolkit written by Sandia
researchers. Therefore I thought that maybe things will change with the
upcoming ParaView 3.6.
 Thank you for any information on this topic.

     Martin Vymazal

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