[Paraview] Stream lines - change from vector to headless vector?

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Thu May 7 20:44:26 EDT 2009

I am not sure I understand. Is the solution to change all the vectors so
that their sign is positive before integrating the streamlines?


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Martin Bates <mabates99 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> From what I understand of the streamline filter (and the custom version),
> the stream lines produced with these filters take into account the sign and
> direction of the vector.
> I need to use a version where only the direction of the vector and not the
> sign is taken into account. That is, our vectors are headless / non-polar.
> Thus for these two (linear / parallel / anti-parallel) cases, the streamline
> would be the same for my data:
> ---> <---
> ---> --->
> Obviously with the filter as is, the first one stops at the mid-point but
> the second is continuous.
> Our data is not unidirectional (the orientation of the field varies with
> space) and so I cannot just make sure that one of the components (say the z)
> of the vector in the data set is always positive as this always leads to
> breaks in the streamlines at some point.
> Thanks in advance if anyone has a tip how to deal with this.
> Martin
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