[Paraview] how to write boundary (face) data for 3D tetrahedra (cells) in ASCII VTK file for Paraview visualization? separate value for each face

Victor Udoewa udwvic001 at uct.ac.za
Fri Mar 13 07:11:08 EDT 2009

March 14, 2009

Hi, I am not using the VTK software, but I am writing a VTK file to
visualize with Paraview.
I have one problem--writing data for the face (boundary) of my 3D
tetrahedra (cells).
Does anyone know how to do this for an unstructured grid in vtk? The
cells are 3D tetrahedra.

Currently I use CELL_DATA and FIELD type in writing my ASCII file:
(each tetrahedra gets 4 values for each of the 4 faces)

FIELD FieldData 1
Boundary 4 7927 int
0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 etc.

I have no idea if Paraview (or the vtk file format) knows which
number goes to which face. I'm using the .inp file face numbering system.

But when I visualize this in Paraview it doesn't seem to work well.
There are surfaces with boundary values higher than 3. Most of the
picture is correct, but the tetrahedra (cells) on the corners between
boundary groups display wrong values.

I found a similar question on Kitwares mailing list 10 years ago but there
were no responses I could find.


If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Victor Udoewa
Research Fellow
University of Cape Town



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