[Paraview] 64Bit Experiment

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Wed Mar 4 09:51:16 EST 2009

Attached is a patch if you wanted to build it too.
It also needs cmake 2.6.3 if you want to build with Qt/Cocoa.
And when you configure Qt 4.5, add the "-cocoa" and "-arch x86_64" flags 
to configure.
The progress bar code in the patch isn't perfect yet.  I didn't have any 
more time to debug it.
Other than that, I didn't see any other issues.


Michael Jackson wrote:
> <said with a _lot_ of jest>
>    Who wants to try out the just released Qt 4.5 with Cocoa 64 bit and 
> ParaView 64 bit? Or maybe some already are trying it out? Any 
> complaints or other issues building ParaView CVS against Qt 4.5?
> _________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
> BlueQuartz Software                    www.bluequartz.net
> Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio
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