[Paraview] Getting scalar values from XDMF file in filters

Tobias Brandvik tbrandvik at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 07:35:21 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I'm currently using the XDMF reader to read HDF5 files and this works
fine both in serial and parallel mode. The HDF5 files come from a CFD
code and only contain the primary flow variables (as multi-block
structured 3D arrays). I have written a filter that calculates
secondary flow variables - this also works well. However, the filter
currently needs the user to input scalar values such as the specific
heat capacity in order to calculate the secondary variables. What I
would like to do is to read these in automatically from the XDMF or
HDF5 files. So my question is, is there any way of getting the XDMF
reader to read in the scalars and store them somewhere in such a way
that they are accessible from the filter? If not, I guess I will have
to modify the XDMF reader itself or open the XMDF/HDF5 file directly
in the filter.

Best wishes,

Tobias Brandvik

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