[Paraview] 2D plotting in paraview3.6

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Jun 19 08:53:44 EDT 2009

> It is much more difficult to get when the profile is the intersection of
> a plane with the 3D surface of an airfoil (typically unstructured), and
> the numbering of vertices is all but monotonously increasing. Yet
> harder, if the profile is the intersection of a 3D multi-block airfoil
> surface.

And for that very purpose  "Plot on Sorted Lines" filter was recently added
to CVS.  It sorts the points so that the numbering of vertices is
monotonously increasing. For the multiblock-case, you'll have to do a couple
of operations: Merge Blocks -> Extract Surface -> Plot on Sorted Lines which
will merge the multiblock into a single dataset and then sort and plot them.

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