[Paraview] Paraview in Batch-Mode (Python) ...

Stefan Melber Stefan.Melber at DLR.de
Thu Jun 18 02:10:46 EDT 2009


when i run Paraview in batch mode (means using Python) and i write out 
export a picture i always get window with the title "Visualisation 
Toolkit - OpenGL" poping up. Is there a way to switch if off?

Here the code:

from paraview.servermanager import *

view = GetRenderView()
view.WriteImage("test.png", "vtkPNGWriter", 1)

Best regards,



                                    Stefan Melber-Wilkending
                    _/_/            Fields of activities:
                  _/  _/            -) High-Lift Research
          _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/      -) Complex Configurations
        _/    _/    _/    _/        -) Numerical Wind-Tunnel
      _/    _/    _/    _/          -) Supercomputing
    _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/            -) Visualisation Techniques
          _/  _/  _      _          -) Glider-Aerodynamics
          _/_/   | \ |  |_|
          _/     |_/ |_ | \         German Aerospace Center, DLR
                                    in the Helmholtz-Association
   Phone ..: +49 531/295-2836       Institute of Aerodynamics
   Fax. ...: +49 531/295-2320       and Flow Technology
   Email ..: Stefan.Melber at dlr.de   Lilienthalplatz 7
   Web ....: http://www.dlr.de/AS   D-38106 Braunschweig/Germany

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