[Paraview] Scripting the opacity property of a Time Annotation filter

Wim van der Meer wpjvandermeer at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 22:13:14 EDT 2009


I have confirmed that your fix works.


On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit
<utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
> There was a bug in the server manager configuration XML where no domain was
> specified for the Opacity property. Domains are used by the animation engine
> to change the property values. I've committed a fix for it in the CVS.
> Please update and give it a try.
> /cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/Resources/rendering.xml,v
> <--  Servers/ServerManager/Resources/rendering.xml
> new revision: 1.351; previous revision: 1.350
> Thanks
> Utkarsh
> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Wim van der Meer <wpjvandermeer at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Another animation script question. I am trying to create an animation
>> movie with the fade-out of a Time Annotation filter using its opacity
>> property. I have attached a short script that shows what I am trying
>> to do. However , the script produces the following error:
>> ERROR: In
>> /tmp/Kitware/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMRampKeyFrameProxy.cxx,
>> line 53
>> vtkSMRampKeyFrameProxy (0xb33c390): Cue does not have domain or property
>> set!
>> By the way, using the same method to animate the opacity of a Slice
>> filter works without problems (thank you Utkarsh). Am I missing
>> something?
>> Here is the script, you need to create a Annotate Time filter in
>> ParaView and then run this script from the built-in Python shell:
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>> # parameters
>> fps = 24.0 # frames/seconds
>> time = 6.0 #movie length in seconds
>> # get the view and camera, create the movie
>> view = servermanager.GetRenderView()
>> camera = view.GetActiveCamera()
>> camera.SetParallelProjection(True)
>> camera.SetViewUp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
>> movie = servermanager.animation.AnimationScene()
>> movie.ViewModules = [view]
>> movie.NumberOfFrames = fps * time
>> # get the annotation and its representation
>> pm = servermanager.ProxyManager()
>> anntime = pm.GetProxy("sources", "AnnotateTime1")
>> anntime_repr = None
>> for rep in view.Representations:
>>  if rep.Input[0].Proxy == anntime:
>>    anntime_repr = rep
>>    break
>> # make sure the annotation is visible
>> anntime_repr.Opacity = 1.0
>> anntime_repr.Visibility = 1
>> anntime_repr.Enabled = 1
>> # fade out the annotation
>> cue = servermanager.animation.KeyFrameAnimationCue()
>> cue.StartTime = 0.0
>> cue.EndTime = 1.0
>> cue.AnimatedProxy = anntime_repr
>> cue.AnimatedPropertyName = "Opacity"
>> keyf0 = servermanager.animation.CompositeKeyFrame();
>> keyf0.Type = 2 # Set keyframe interpolation type to Ramp.
>> keyf0.KeyTime = 0.0
>> keyf0.KeyValues= [1.0]
>> keyf1 = servermanager.animation.CompositeKeyFrame()
>> keyf1.KeyTime = 1.0
>> keyf1.KeyValues = [0.0]
>> cue.KeyFrames = [keyf0, keyf1]
>> movie.AddCueProxy(cue)
>> # Play the animation
>> movie.Play()
>> --
>> Wim van der Meer
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